L’Alliance Révision Sarl

Assurance Services

Audit is a tool that is used to clearly define the past while setting a course for the future. Today, more than ever, audit is about controls, independence, professionalism and quality. At L’Alliance Révision, we are guided by integrity of our reputation, our client relationships and delivery of service.


L'Alliance Révision Sàrl is a regulated audit firm and its supervisory body is the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (C.S.S.F) and the Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises Luxembourg.

We offer our clients the following assurance services:

Statutory audits of annual and consolidated accounts

  • Commissaire aux comptes
  • Réviseur d’entreprises Agréé- independent auditor

Legal Audits and other special reports

  • Contribution-in-kind report
  • Commissaire à la liquidation report
  • Mergers and de-mergers report


Other Services

  • Internal audit
  • Compliance officer
  • Liquidator